Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Mid-Week Balance: 6 July 2011

I realized, as I went back through my starred post, I noticed a pattern. As I reviewed the posts, the dominant theme of giving yourself space emerged--giving yourself permission to be human, to have bad days, to grieve, to accept that sometimes we all need some grace. I hope you feel the permission when you need it.

Jen Gresham at Everyday Bright asks what happens when Wonder Woman doesn't feel so wonderful. It's such a thoughtful reminder that we all have periods of struggle.

It's not unusual for us to try to hold back difficult feelings or deny their existence. Elisha Goldstein of the Mindfulness & Psychotherapy blog offers this thoughtful reflection on why feeling our grief can be good for our health.

Mara of Medicinal Marzipan offers a compassionate, self-loving challenge to the idea that we must always be "consistent." When we focus on each moment, we're freed from the effort to seek consistency.

I was absolutely floored with the concept that Melissa (Dr. Snit) of Living With Lupus--But Dying of Everything Else explored in her latest post. She talked about serious illness as being a time when we are in a "state of grace." Read more to understand what this means to her (what it means to me might be a blog post of the future).

Okay, bear with me, this last one may see like a stretch at first. But actually, since we are talking about allowing ourselves to be real and imperfect, it's a pretty good fit. I was thrilled to see this piece at the Ms. Magazine blog about how the AMA is taking a stand against digital retouching of photographs--which is all about hiding "imperfection."

I hope this brings some self-acceptance to your week. Got another great resource? Pass it along!