Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Mid-Week Balance: 29 June 2011

I have heard a rumor that summer is supposed to mean that things slow down.  That's not happening here.  In fact, my RSS reader this morning had over 400 unread items--I just haven't had the time to get through them all.  I have, however, had time to find some fantastic stuff to share with you this week.  The selections this week are a smorgasboard: from meditation, to secret-keeping, to body image, to challenging uni-dimensional thinking--with a dash of self-acceptance thrown in to keep it interesting.  I hope you find something that brings balance to your week.

Sunada is one of the regular contributors at the Buddhist meditation blog Wildmind.  If you follow my Twitter feed, or my Facebook page, you know that I'm a strong proponent of the benefits of meditation.  This post does a nice job of walking through how the paradoxical nature of meditation can be useful for someone facing anxiety.

I know that I included a post from Nourishing the Soul last week too, but since Ashley keeps writing good stuff, I'm going to keep sharing it.  In this post, she invites each of us to take a moment, assess what we are keeping secret, and actively share it with someone that we trust.  I'll let you read more about the reasons in her post, but I love this suggestion.

Hanne Blank's blog, Filling a Much-Needed Void, was a new discovery for me this week, and what a find!  I was blown away by this powerful, loving, body-positive post.  I think sometimes we need the reminder that all bodies are "real."

I have written before about the fact that one of the most valuable things we can do for one another is to allow a full range of emotions.  Because of that, I was excited to find this thoughtful piece from Martin Young at the KevinMD blog.  In it, Mr. Young explores the possibility that asking those facing serious illness to "just think positive" is not only not helpful, it is not respecting their experience.  I just had to share this one--let's promote & support anything that increases respect.

One of my newer blog finds has been Dr. Snit's Living with Lupus--But Dying of Everything Else.  Her lovely article about being "enough" was a MWB feature last month.  This week, I have the delightful dilemma of two wonderful posts in this blog that I wanted to share.  So, because I want my readers to get the best of what's out there, I'm sharing them both.  This beautiful post about loving our scars is an invitation to accept our imperfections as part of our beauty.   In addition, as a grief worker, I had to share this post about how loss is a part of life.

I know that this is quite the mixed bag of resources, and I hope that means that you find something that is exactly what you need.