Hey all, it's been a nutty week, but I still found some good stuff for you. I hope it touches you or lifts you up!
Let's start with this fantastic reminder from Ashley of Nourishing the Soul that exercise should bring benefits to our bodies and minds. When we try to make it all about losing weight, we lose our perspective.
Anna Guest-Jolly's Curvy Yoga is one of my favorite body-positive blogs. This week, Anna's story of a fierce, courageous sixth-grade yogi highlights the potential that exists when we don't restrict our ideas of what our bodies can do.
If you read Rosie Molinary's guest post here, you may have gotten the idea that this is a woman who has lots of great tools. You'd be right in that, as she proves in this post where she invites readers to explore their own "Wheel of Life."
This post from Leo at Zen Habits really hit home for me this week. It's a reminder that we are all immersed in chaos, and that doesn't have to be a bad thing!
Elisha Goldstein's Mindfulness & Psychotherapy blog is another go-to read for me, and he didn't disappoint this week. I hope you enjoy this invitation to combine mindfulness and play.
I'm so grateful for the inspiration and the challenge brought by these folks this week. Was there something you'd love to share?