Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Mid-Week Balance: 15 June 2011

So here's the funny thing, when I added the MWB round-ups to my blog, I was pretty nervous.  I was nervous about adding another writing commitment to the week (when I started the blog last year, my original goal was one post a month, and even that was pretty hit and miss).  I was nervous about finding enough content to make the extra post worth people's time.  Now I'm two months in, and I can't believe I was nervous about those pieces.  My problem isn't finding enough good content, it's keeping the articles that I choose to a manageable number!  Here's some of the good stuff that's out there this week.  Enjoy.

I want to start with a new-to-me blog discovery:  Living With Lupus, But Dying of Everything Else, by the articulate & passionate Dr. Snit.  This blog was another reason I'm grateful to Twitter--I've been led to so much good content there!  Her compassionate exploration of why we are good enough just as we are was one of my favorite reads of the week.  I hope that you get as much from it as I did.

Ashley Solomon's Nourishing the Soul was one of the inspirations for MWB, and this week I couldn't pick just one of her posts.  As a psychologist, I can't resist sharing Ashley's exploration of the role of insight in therapy.   In addition, I think that she does a great job of taking on an important topic with her post on the "shame game," in which she looks at the negative impact of fat shaming on our overall health.

Jonathan Fields has appeared in MWB before.  In addition to being a powerful writer, Jonathan has some pretty insightful things to say about the human experience in business and entrepreneurship.  This week's post about grounding ourselves in a "heart-centered place" felt like it cut to the core of that experience.

It is not unusual for me to sit with someone who feels "run-over" by life, by the daily challenges, large & small that we all face.  I know that when I am in that darker space, one of the ways that I both cope and damage my coping is by procrastinating--big tasks, small tasks, you name it.  This piece from Dr. Pauline Wallin at the APA's Your Mind Your Body blog takes a kind look at why we procrastinate and how to change.

One of the themes that I seek out in my reading is understanding our relationship with our thinking mind.  Tara Mohr engages that topic regularly in her Wise Living blog.  This post encourages us to increase our awareness of how our minds can take over with unhelpful patterns--and provides some suggestions about how to change that.

And to round out this trio of articles on how we can increase our sense of presence and power in our current moments, I have another post by Rosie Molinary.  She shares a simple writing exercise that can be used to increase mindfulness and lead to changes in our daily lives, by asking what we need--right now.

Did I miss your favorite article of the week?  Let me know, so I can share!