Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Self-Care 101: Pausing

"Stop trying to control your life. The Universe does not need you to be in charge."

This "Mojo Tip" came from the inspiring Owning Pink website, a space created by founder Lissa Rankin, MD to encourage women to own their unique power, creativity, and spark.

I read it at the end of a thoughtful blog post, while trying to cram some work-related productivity into the middle of an at-home day. I read it while my three-year-old worked diligently to raise my blood pressure by repeatedly popping out of bed during "my" time. And that two-sentence tip did the trick. I stopped focusing on control. I smelled the flowers on my kitchen table. I took some deep breaths.

I paused.

And I breathed.

And I let go. Let go of frustration. Let go of my narrative about how I was in control.

I review this with my clients all the time, but sometimes all of us need a reminder. There is incredible power in just removing ourselves from the chaos in our lives and in our heads. In pausing.

When we pause, especially in the middle of our busiest, most hectic moments, we create space for the bigger picture to peek through. We create room for our core principles to ground us. We step outside of the story that we "must" "should" "ought" "right NOW!"

When we pair a pause with breathing, we reconnect ourselves to self-nourishing behaviors. Breathing feeds us on a cellular level. Breathing restores our balance.

So today, especially if it is a "terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day," my hope for you is that you are able to pause, to breathe, to let go.

I hope that you are able to give yourself the clear space. Please let me know how it works, or your favorite "pausing" tips.